# Shop Transaction Entry (ST.E)
Read Time: 2 minute(s)
# Move Instructions
Shop Transaction ID The shop transaction ID does not appear on the screen and is assigned to each item entered when it is processed after filing.
Work Order Enter the number of the work order against which the transaction took place.
Assembly Number This field displays the part or assembly number the work order was created for. This data is displayed for reference only and cannot be changed.
Model Number Contains the model number of the assembly for the work order entered. This data is displayed for information only and may not be changed.
Description This field contains the description of the product being made.
Quantity Enter the quantity of items moved.
From Oper Enter the operation from which the items were moved. The operation number must match one of the operations listed in the routing for the work order.
From Work Center The from work center ID is loaded in this field when a from operation is entered. The work center ID is retrieved from the routing for the work order based on the operation number.
From Description Contains the description of the from operation for the work order entered. This data is displayed for information only and may not be changed.
To Oper Enter the operation to which the items were moved. The operation number must match one of the operations listed in the routing for the work order.
To Work Center The to work center ID is loaded in this field when a to operation is entered. The work center ID is retrieved from the routing for the work order based on the operation number.
To Description Contains the description of the to operation for the work order entered. This data is displayed for information only and may not be changed.
Version 8.10.57