# Recurring AR Entry (ARR.E)

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Form Details
Line Items
Ship Address/Credit Card
Change History

The ARR.E procedure is used to enter or update recurring entries in the AR module. All information which is needed to create an AR record is entered, along with a series of dates on which the recurring entry will generate that AR item. The selected dates must fall within a valid and/or open fiscal period in order for an AR record or invoice to be generated during the posting process, ARR.P1 .

The header screen relates primarily to control information about the particular record. For memo or other miscellaeous billings, the amount being invoiced or credited may be entered in the miscellaneous charges area, and the second detailed data entry screen need never be accessed. The second screen is for detail entry of part information. The third screen is for entering a shipping address for delivery of the item or service. The default shipping address from the customer record will automatically load or you can select an alternative from the list of shipping addresses stored with the customer record.

On the header the billing dates can be scheduled by supplying the parameters in the Automatic Dates section. If you do not use the automatic option of scheduling you may specify the dates manually by entering each date on which you want a billing to be generated. If there are entries in this field they will take precedence over the automatic option settings. Even after the dates in this field have been exhausted the automatic settings will not be used.

Frequency of Use
As required.

Entry of valid customers ( CUST.E ). Entry of valid general ledger account numbers ( GLCHART.E ). Entry of part numbers if they are to entered ( PARTS.E ).

Version 8.10.57