# Project Management Overview

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Purpose The project module provides the ability to plan and track the activities of a project. Within a project you can define tasks with budgets for both cost and revenue. Each task can be assigned planned, projected and actual completion dates as well as descriptive information regarding the task. An individual task can reference another project to provide a multi-level project structure. Projects may optionally be associated with a specific customer.

Several types of information can be attached to a project by referencing the project and task number in procedures such as order entry, purchasing, work orders, inventory, labor, accounts payable and accounts receivable. This information is associated as revenue or cost depending on the source. Projects may also be adjusted using the PROJADJ.E procedure.

Prerequisites Entry of the customer record in CUST.E if you choose to associate the project with a customer.

Data Files There are only two files explicitly associated with the project system.

PROJECT contains all of the information defining the project as well as references to each transaction or order that has been associated with the project.

PROJADJ stores information about transactions created to manually adjust the information in the project.

Other files that may be related to a project include sales orders (SO), purchase orders (PO), work orders (WO), Labor (LABOR), accounts payable (AP), and accounts receivable (AR).

System Interface This module interfaces with other modules in the system based on associations created by the user. These associations are created within the other modules, not from within the project. For example, a sales order is associated with a project by entering the project number and task on the sales order, not by entering the sales order number in the project. The PROJECT.P1 procedure loads this information into the appropriate project record when it is run.

User Interface The user interface to the module consists of data entry procedures to define projects, make project adjustments and reports and inquiries, and batch update procedures. Other modules allow for the entry of project and task numbers on orders and transactions. Access to these procedures is controlled by the user's security profile. For example, some users may be allowed to enter new projects while others may only be allowed to make changes to existing projects. Some users may only be allowed to look at the data without the ability to change it, and some may not even be able to access the procedure. Access to batch procedures is usually restricted to use by only the system administrator since these are usually run overnight.

Setup Procedures There are no setup procedures required for the project module.

Flow of Activities The flow of activites in the project midule begins wth the defintion of the project with PROJECT.E. One or more projects may be defined in a parent child relationship. Once the projects are defined orders and transactions from other modules may reference the projects by entering the project and task number in procedures assciated with the module. On a periodic basis the PROJECT.P1 procedure may be run to gather the information from all of the orders and transactions that reference a project, and post this information to the project record. Each time this is done the previous data is replaced.

When a project is completed its status should be set to closed. This prevents subsequent executions of PROJECT.P1 from overwriting the data that has been captured.

(C) Copyright 2015, Rover Data Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Version 8.10.57