# Inventory Transaction Entry (IT.E2)

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The IT.E2 procedure is used to enter multiple inventory transactions in one entry which record the movement of materials from one location to another. The operator enters the part numbers, quantities, and "from" and "to" locations for each transaction. Alternatively, an inventory requisition number or a receipt number can be entered to load all part numbers and quantities.

When the operators entry is filed the system creates a record for each transaction in the Inventory Transaction file (IT) which records the pertinent information about the transaction. At the same time it updates the inventory balances in the Inventory file (INV) for the "from" and "to" locations and inventory register records (INVREG).

If the "Negatives OK" flag in the associated INVLOC record for a given transaction is set to "N" then the system will not allow the transaction to be processed if the transaction will result in a negative at the "from" location.

Frequency of Use
As required.

Entry of valid inventory locations ( INVLOC.E ).

Version 8.10.57