# Inventory Transaction Entry (IT.E)

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Transaction ID The transaction ID is assigned by the system and does not appear on the screen as a prompt. The ID is a sequentially assigned number.

Part Number Enter the part number of the item you are moving.

Description Contains the first line of the description from the PARTS file for the associated part number. The field is for reference only and may not be changed.

Quantity Enter the number of items being moved.

UM The part master inventory unit of measure for the associated part number.

Location Enter the location that the material is being moved from.

Work Order Enter the work order from which the item is being moved. An entry is required in this field when the from location is a type "WO".

From Lot Enter the lot number associated with the material you are moving if the item is lot controlled. If you are moving items from a non-physical location then you may leave this field blank.

From.Bin Enter the bin from which the part is being moved. This field is only prompted if the inventory location is bin controlled.

Shortage? Enter a 'Y' if you wish to have a shortage posted against the from work order for the quantity being removed. This entry is prompted only if a from work order is entered.

Location Enter the location that the material is being moved to.

Work Order Enter the work order into which this item is being moved. An entry is required in this field only if the to location is defined as a type "WO".

To Lot This field will be defaulted to the same lot number as the from lot. If you are splitting a lot you may enter the number of the new lot in this field. You may also enter an existing lot provided it carries the same part number. If you leave this field blank it is assumed that you want the system to assign a new lot number.

To.Bin Enter the bin to which the part is being moved. This field is only prompted if the inventory location is bin controlled.

Ref Bin If you maintain the a reference bin location for inventory items you may enter the bin location the parts were moved into.

Notes If desired you may enter notes to explain the reason for the transaction.

Version 8.10.57