# CRP Processing Controls (CRP.CONTROL)
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Control ID The ID to this record is "CRP" and is loaded automatically by the system.
Work Centers Enter the work centers whose capacity is to be maintained and
included in the CRP calculation. Note: If you have been using the CRP system
decide to change the work centers defined in
this field, you must run the CRP.P1 process
to reset the capacity files.
Description Displays the description of each work center.
Department Displays the department each work center is associated with.
Update On-Line Check this box if capacity is to be updated on-line as work orders are added or changed. If you choose not to update on-line then the capacity files can be regenerated on an appropriate basis by the CRP.P1 process. The online update adds demand as it created or checged through work orders. It does not decrease demand based on shop activity therefore it is recommended that the CRP.P1 regeneration process be run nightly.
Inquiry Period Select the default entry to be used for the period setting in the Capacity Requirement Planning Inquiry ( CRP.Q ). If not set "Day" will be used.
Inquiry Horizon Enter the default entry to be used as the number of periods to display in the Capacity Requirements Planning Inquiry ( CRP.Q ). If no entry is made 13 will be used as the default.
Period Size Enter the number of days to be used as the length of each period on the CRP horizontal report. For example, to get weekly buckets you would enter 7 for 7 days in a week, for as many weeks as are to appear on the report (i.e. horizon). You may also enter a different number of days for each period. This allows you to setup a situation such as having the first 8 periods be weekly followed by a 30 day period and a 90 day period.
Period Start Displays the start dates calculated for each period during the last update from the CRP.P1 procedure.
Period End Displays the end dates calculated for each period during the last update from the CRP.P1 procedure.
Version 8.10.57