# Work Order Labor Earned by Period (WO.R9)

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Form Details
Form Details

The WO.R9 procedure is used to print total labor hours earned or labor dollars earned by period by department by work center. The user may specify calendar or fiscal periods. Work order labor earned is defined as the sum of the setup and run hours on the work order routing for each work center multiplied by the quantity completed divided by the work order quantity. The resulting hours are multiplied by the applicable labor rate to calculate the dollars.

Frequency of Use
As required.


Data Fields

Department The department associated with the work center that the work order is completed from.
Work Center The work center that the work order is completed from.
Description The first line of the description of the work center.
Hours Earned The hours earned for the work center for a particular period.
Dollars Earned The dollars earned for the work center for a particular period.

Version 8.10.57