# Shop Transaction Listing for a Work Center (ST.R3)

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Form Details
Form Details

The ST.R3 procedure is used to create a shop transaction listing for a work center and date range. The records included in the report are sorted by date and transaction number.

Frequency of Use
As required.


Data Fields

Trans# The number of the shop transaction.
Trans Date The date on which the transaction occurred.
Work Order The number of the work order affected by the shop transaction.
Part The number of the work order assembly moved by the transaction.
Model The model number of the assembly.
Quantity The quantity of the assemblies moved.
From Oper The number of the operation in the routing that the assemblies were moved from.
From Work Center The name of the work center the assemblies were moved from.
To Oper The number of the operation in the routing that the assemblies were moved to.
To Work Center The name of the work center the assemblies were moved to.
To Invloc The inventory location the assemblies were moved to if the transaction was for a work order completion.
To Work Order The number of the work order into which the assemblies were completed if the inventory location is a work in process location.
Inv Trans# The number of the inventory transaction record (if any) create as a result of the shop transaction.
Reversal of Tran s If the shop transaction was created as a reversal to an existing shop transaction then the number of the shop transaction reversed is printed.
Reversed by Tran s If the shop transaction was reversed then the number of transaction that did the reversal is printed.

Version 8.10.57