# Scrap Inquiry (SCRAP.Q)

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Start Month Enter the number of the month to be used as the first period in the chart.

Start Year Enter the year to use along with the month in the previous prompt to define the first period. You must enter the full year such as 2006.

End Month Enter the number of the month to be used as the last period in the chart.

End Year Enter the year to use along with the month in the previous prompt to define the last period. You must enter the full year such as 2006.

Group By The chart data can be grouped by work center or by user id.

Include The default is to include only scrap quantities but there is an option to include both scrap and completion transactions in the same graph.

Units The default chart display is scrap percent but there is an option to display the chart in terms of scrap quantity or scrap dollars.

Part Number Enter a part number if you want to display scrap for only one part.

Refresh Press this button to refresh the chart data based on any changes to the parameters.

Summary Chart Displays a bar chart showing the total scrap for each period.

Group This shows either the work center or the user id depending upon how the data is grouped.

Group Chart Displays a bar chart showing the total scrap for each period for the chosen group by option.

Version 8.10.57