# Inventory Transaction Listing for a Specified Part (IT.R2)

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Form Details
Form Details

The IT.R2 procedure is used to create an inventory transaction listing for a specified part number within a date range. The records included in the report are sorted by transaction date.

Frequency of Use
As required.


Data Fields

Trans# The number of the inventory transaction.
Quantity The total quantity of the part moved by the transaction.
From.Loc The name of the inventory location from which the material was taken.
To.Loc The name of the inventory location to which the material was moved.
From.WO The work order from which the material was moved.
To.WO The work order to which the material was sent.
Created.By A name which describes the procedure which caused the transaction to occur. These include IT.E , RECEIPTS, PICKER, PHYS, CYCLE and SHIPMENT.
Record.ID The ID of the record which initiated the transaction.
Li# The line item number on the record which initiated the transaction.

Version 8.10.57