# Average Cost Adjustment Listing (COSTADJ.R1)

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Form Details
Form Details

The COSTADJ.R1 procedure is used to print a listing of all inventory cost adjustment transactions for a period.

Frequency of Use
As required.


Data Fields

Trans# The sequential number assigned to the transaction listed.
Date The date on which the transaction took affect.
Part Number The number of the part in inventory affected by the transaction.
Quantity The quantity on hand of the part at the time the transaction was entered.
Old Cost The unit cost of the part as it was prior to the posting of the transaction.
New Cost The unit cost of the part after the transaction was posted.
Invreg Id The record IDs of all of the inventory register records created as a result of the transaction.
Notes The notes, if any, entered by the user who posted the transaction.

Version 8.10.57