# Cash Receipts by Customer (CASH.R4)

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Form Details
Form Details

This report provides a cash receipts listing by customer within a date range. You may limit the report to a single customer or include all customers. The report may also be run for one or more company codes. A summarization of the the distribution accounts is provided at the end of the report.

Frequency of Use
As required.


Data Fields

Check# The customer's check number.
Cash# The record ID assigned to the transaction posted in the CASH file.
Cust The number assigned to the customer associated with the check.
Customer Name The name of the customer.
Date The date on which the check was posted.
Check Amount The total amount of the check.
AR Item/Acct Shows the accounts receivable ID (invoice number) against which the check was applied, or the distribution account for miscellaneous cash postings. Multiple items per check may appear.
App Amount The portion of the check amount that was applied to the associated accounts receivable record or distribution account.
Disc Amount The discount amount taken for the associated accounts receivable item or distribution account.
Write off Amt The amount written off against the associated item.

Version 8.10.57