# AR Invoice Distribution Listing (AR.R8)
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Form Details
Form Details
The AR.R8 procedure is used to create an accounts receivable invoice
distribution listing for a specified date range. The report will list the AR
items and display the general ledger accunt number.
Additionally, a summary page will be printed, showing totals for each general ledger account number.
Frequency of Use
As required.
Data Fields
AR Id The record ID of the item in the AR file.
Cust The customer number.
Cust Name The name of the customer as it appears in the customer file.
Purchase Order The customer's purchase order number.
Inv Date The invoice date.
Inv Amount The total amount of the invoice.
Account The general ledger account number to which an amount has been
Description The description of the general ledger account number.
Amount The distribution amount, associated to the account.