# A/R Items Due by a Specified Date (AR.R4)

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Form Details
Form Details

The AR.R4 procedure is used to print a listing of all AR items due to be paid as of a selected cut-off date. The information is sorted and totalled by customer name.

Frequency of Use
As required.


Data Fields

AR.Id The record ID of the item in the AR file.
Cust# The customer number on the AR item.
Customer.Name The name of the customer as it appears in the CUST file.
Inv.Date The date of the AR item.
Due.Date The date on which the AR item is due, based upon the terms code.
Inv.Amount The total, original amount of the AR item.
Due.Amount The balance due of the AR item.
St The current status of the AR item. (O=open, P=paid)

Version 8.10.57