# AR Collections Inquiry (AR.Q)

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Next action date Enter the next action date that you wish to use to select records to display.

From Days old Enter the "from" number of days old an AR record will have to be to be selected.

To Days Old Enter the ending number of days for the range of "days old" you wish to include.

Collection Status Select the collection status for which AR items will be included.

Customer Enter the customer number for which you wish to list AR records.

Status desc This field contains the collection status description.

Customer name This field contains the customer name.

AR ID This field contains the AR item number and is for display only.

Customer The customer number assigned to the AR item.

Name The customer name.

Open Amt This field contains the open amount for the associated AR record.

Inv Date This field contains the invoice or record date for the AR item.

Due date This field contains the due date.

Next action date This field contains the next action date, as read from the AR record.

Status This field contains the collection status code, as read in the AR record.

**** Press this button to open the associated AR item in AR.E .

Refresh Press this button to refresh the data on the screen.

Version 8.10.57