# Vendor Rating Listing (VENDOR.R2)

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Form Details
Form Details

The VENDOR.R2 procedure is used to produce a vendor rating listing. The report is listed in vendor name sequence and allows you to filter which vendors are included based on their rating. For example, you may elect to list only those vendors with a rating below 80%. In addition you may define if the overall rating is to be used, or only the quality or delivery rating. You can specify one or more months of statistics to report on.

Frequency of Use
As required.

The VENDOR.P2 procedure must have been run to summarize the vendor statistics for the period(s) on which you want to report.

Data Fields

Vendor# The number which identifies the associated vendor on the data base.
Name The name of the vendor.
Quality Weighting% The percentage that determines how much of the overall rating is based on the quality rating.
Delivery Weighting% The percentage that determines how much of the overall rating is based on the delivery rating.
Quality Rating The rating percentage calculated for the vendor's quality.
Delivery Rating The rating percentage calculated for the vendor's delivery performance.
Combined Rating The combined rating assigned to the vendor by taking the weighted quality and delivery ratings together.

Version 8.10.57