# Forms Processing Control (FORM.CONTROL)

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# Forms

Form Name Enter the name you want to assign to the associated properties that define a form and attachments. This name is used by the data entry procedures defined on the Calling Procedures page to identify the output options available to the user when they use the procedure. Note: These entries only apply to forms that utilize a PDF file for the form layout and/or attachments.

Procedure Name Enter the name of the procedure that the merge and attachment forms are being associated with.

Merge PDF Path Page 1 Enter the full path to the PDF form that will be used as the form for the associated procedure for the first page. If nothing is defined for the second and subsequent pages the form defined here will be used on all pages. Make sure this path is accessible to all users that may run the procedure.

Merge PDF Path Page 2 Enter the full path to the PDF form that will be used as the form for the associated procedure on the second and subsequent pages . Make sure this path is accessible to all users that may run the procedure.

Append PDF Document Path Enter the full paths to the PDF forms that will be appended to the document when it is processed. Make sure this path is accessible to all users that may run the procedure.

Browse Click this button to select the path to be placed in the current field.

Version 8.10.57