# Cycle Cost Variation Report (CYCLE.R3)

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Form Details
Form Details

The CYCLE.R3 procedure is used to print a cost variation report of all parts counted on a given cycle date. The report is intended to show the dollar and quantity adjustment effect this cycle count will have on inventory. It is sorted by inventory location within part number.

This report should be reviewed after counts have been entered and before they are posted to inventory.

Frequency of Use
As required.

The cycle counts should have been entered in the CYCLE.E procedure.

Data Fields

Part Number The number of the part counted.
Description The description as is appears in the Parts file.
Invloc The inventory location at which the count occurred.
Tag The tag number associated with the part number in the inventory location to be counted.
St The current status of this tag. (N = New, C = Counted, P = Posted)
Count Quantity The quantity counted and entered for this part number at the inventory location.
Beginning Quantity The inventory balance as it appears in the Inv file before the count.
Variance The variance between the count quantity and the beginning inventory balance. A negative number indicates a shrinkage in inventory.
Unit Cost The unit cost of this part in the inventory location.
Variance The total cost variance this count will have on the inventory location for this part. This is the amount that will feed to General Ledger through the INVREG file when the cycle count is posted.

Version 8.10.57