# Average Cost Adjustments (COSTADJ.E)
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ID The record ID for the COSTADJ item is assigned by the system when the record is filed. It is not displayed for entry.
Part Number Enter the number of the part whose average cost is to be changed.
Cost Group Enter the cost group which will be validated against INV.CONTROL . The cost group is used to define the costing method and to group inventory locations together for averaging the cost within those locations.
Lot No If lot costing is active and the part number you have selected is lot control then enter the lot number to be adjusted.
Inventory Quantity This field contains the total quantity in all inventory locations for the part number entered. It is displayed for information only and may not be changed.
Unit Average Cost This field contains the current unit average cost for the part number and cost group. If you change the unit cost then the Total Dollar Value field will be changed to show the total dollar value which will result from the making the change.
Total Dollar Value The total dollar value is calculated by multiplying the unit average cost by the total quantity. If you change the contents of this field then the unit average will be recalculated by dividing this number by the total quantity.
Create Register Check this box if you want the system to create inventory register records to post the accounting impact of the adjustment. An example of a situation in which you would not want registers created would be where you have received materials from a vendor and end up changing the price in the accounts payable system because it was wrong on the original purchase order. In this case the accounting impact of the change is already posted on the account payable register and would be redundant if posted in the adjustment of the unit cost maintained within inventory.
Notes If appropriate you may enter notes to provide information about the reason for the change in average cost.
Desc The description of the part number entered is displayed in this field. It may not be changed.
Version 8.10.57