# Unit of Measure Definition (UM.CONTROL)

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Control ID The ID "UM" is automatically entered and is the only vaild ID for this procedure.

Code Enter the 2 digit code which will be used as the identifier for the associated unit of measure description. For example, you would use a code like EA to stand for Each, FT for Feet, etc. The code LC is a reserved code which is used by the purchasing system for lot charge items. If you need the capability to enter purchase orders for lot charged items then you must enter LC as one of the codes.

Description Enter the description of the coresponding unit of measure code. For example, the description for the code EA would probably be Each.

Price Per This field should contain the price per factor to be used in the sales order and shipping processes. For example, if the material being ordered is sold "per hundred", then 100 should be entered into this field. If this field is left empty, then 1 is assumed.

Version 8.10.57