# Batch Queue Definition (BQ.E)

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Batch Queue ID Enter the ID by which this batch queue will be referenced.

Status Displays the word "Active" if the queue is currently being processed, or "Inactive" if it is not.

Description Enter a brief description of the purpose of this batch queue.

Type Enter one of the following codes which defines the batch queue type.

Used primarily by the system administrator
for setting up permanent queues which will
always contain the same entries. This type
of queue is not available for users to add

This type of queue is available for users
to add jobs.

Access Status This field determines if users may add new jobs to the queue. The following options are available.
Permits users to add jobs to the queue.
Prevents users from adding jobs to the queue.

Multi Processors This checkbox determines if the batch queue may be processed by more than one batch execution process at the same time. If checked then multiple processors will be permitted to execute items in the queue. This option should not be checked if the items specified in the queue must be run in sequential order.

Max Status Saves The number in this field controls how much of the job status information is to be retained. For example, if this field were set to 10 then the information from the last ten jobs which were executed would be retained.

Job ID Enter the name of each job to be run when this queue is processed in the order they are to be run. You would probably leave this field empty for most public queues since these are usually created to accept user jobs. The help menu for this prompt has an option which allows you to display all of the status messages generated when the job was processed.

Job Name Contains the name of the procedure which will be run when the job is executed.

Job Submit Date Contains the date on which the job was submitted to this queue for processing. This field contains data only if the job was submitted by a user process. The field is null for items entered with BQ.E.

Job Submit Time Contains the time at which the job was submitted to this queue for processing. This field contains data only if the job was submitted by a user process. The field is null for items entered with BQ.E.

Job Start Date Contains the date on which the processing for the associated job began.

Job Start Time Contains the time at which the processing for the associated job began.

Job End Date Contains the date on which the processing for the associated job was completed.

Job End Time Contains the time at which the processing for the associated job completed.

Batch Execution ID Contains the ID of the batch execution record that processed the associated job.

Batch Execution Line Contains the line number on which the associated batch execution procedure processed the associated job.

Version 8.10.57