# Commission Listing by Rep (COMM.R1)

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Form Details
Form Details

The COMM.R1 procedure is used to list all commission records created within a specified date range. You may select a specific rep to report against or you may choose to include all reps. If all reps are chosen the report is listed in rep name sequence with the section for each rep printed on a separate page.

Frequency of Use
As required.


Data Fields

Date The date on which the commission record was posted.
Invoice# The number of the invoice associated with the commission record.
Customer The name of the customer on the associated invoice.
PO# The purchase order number issued by the customer.
Gross Sales The extended sales price if the item upon which the commission is based.
Order% The percentage of the gross sales amount for which the sales rep is given credit.
Comm% The commission percentage used to calculate the amount of commission to be paid to the sales rep.
Comm Amt The commission amount to be paid to the sales rep. This amount is calculated as follows... Comm Amt = (Gross Sales x Order%) x Comm% Note: The Order% and Comm% must first be divided by 100 to obtain a percentage.

Version 8.10.57