# Lot Entry (LOT.E)
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# Destinations
Destination Date Contains the date on which the associated transaction used a quantity from the lot record.
Destination Qty The quantity posted from the lot on the associated date.
Destination Cost Specifies the cost that was used when posting the items in the associated transaction.
Destination Type This field contains a two digit code which defines the type of document associated with the posting from the lot record. For example, "WO" is work order etc.
Destination ID Contains the ID of the document associated with the transaction which posted from the lot.
Destination Li The line item, if any, on the associated document that initiated the posting from the lot record.
Destination Customer If the associated transaction was a shipment from a sales order (Type = "SH") then this field will contain the number of the customer on the purchase order.
Destination Name Contains the name of the customer on the sales order for the items posted.
Destination Lot Contains the lot number to which the items on the associated transaction were posted.
Destination Loc The location to which the items were moved in the associated transaction.
Lot# The number of the current lot record being displayed.
Part# The number of the part which identifies the items on the current lot.
Desc The first line of the part description as defined in the parts master.
Version 8.10.57