# Lot Entry (LOT.E)
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# Allocations
Inv Loc Contains the list of all inventory locations that have a balance on-hand of the items defined by the lot.
Inv Qty Contains the quantity of items currently on-hand at the associated inventory location.
Alloc Date This field contains the dates on which the items in the lot are allocated. This information may not be changed by this procedure.
Alloc Qty Contains the number of lot items allocated on the associated date.
Alloc Type Identifies the type of document against which the allocation has been made. "WO" for work order, "SH" for shipment etc.
Alloc ID The ID of the document the has allocated the associated quantity.
Alloc Li The line item number, if any, on the associated document that has allocated the items in the lot.
Alloc.Bin The bin number against which the inventory has been allocated for this lot number.
Lot Number The lot number currently being displayed.
Part Number The part number associated with the lot number.
Description The description of the part.
Version 8.10.57