# Convert Part to Lot Control (IT.E6)

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Wrap Desc The part description for information only.

Location This is an existing inventory location and cannot be changed.

On Hand This is the total quantity currently on hand for the existing inventory location and cannot be changed.

Lot Qty Enter the quantity associated with this lot. The system will default this from the location qty.

Lot Number Enter a lot number or leave blank to have the system generate a new lot number.

Bin Number Enter a bin number only if this location is bin controlled. It will be stored on the lot record.

Ref Bin Enter a reference bin if desired for this lot number and location. It will be stored on the lot record.

Adj Loc This is the adjustment location that will be used for the inventory transactions. This is just a pass-through location. It will be defaulted from the INV.CONTROL "Conversion Location" entry, but can be changed.

Version 8.10.57