# Field Service Order Entry (FSO.E)
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# Revenue Summary
Order No Displays the service order number.
Serial No Displays the serial number of the equipment.
Service Revenue Contains the total dollar amount in service revenue for the order.
Parts Revenue Displays the total reveune from parts for the order.
Total Revenue Contains the total revenue generated from the order.
Labor Cost Contains the total direct labor cost charged to the order.
Labor FOH Contains the total amount of fixed overhead charged to the order.
Labor VOH Contains the total amount of variable overhead charged to the order.
Total Material Display the total cost of materials used on the order.
Memo Cost Desc Enter any additional costs that are to be included in the order. Note: there is no accounting transaction generated as a result of entering these costs. They serve only as a notation of a cost posted elsewhere. For example, freight may be paid through accounts payable, but is added to the order here for reference.
Memo Cost Enter the dollar amount of the cost described on the associated line.
Total Cost Dislplays the total of all costs for the order.
Net Revenue Displays the net revenue generated by the order.
Rma Date The date the associated RMA number was entered.
Rma Number The RMA number that was generated for this field service order.
Ap Id If an A/P invoice was created to reimburse the vendor for a chargeback/warranty type order, it will appear in this field. It is displayed for reference only and cannot be changed. The A/P invoice is created when the field service order is posted.
Version 8.10.57