# Executive Business Inquiry (EXEC.Q)

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# Reps

Sort By Select on of the following options to determine the order in which the data is presented:

Rep name
Booked Dollars
Shipped Dollars
Margin Dollars
Margin Percent

Click on the Refresh Data button to resort the data.

Period Select the period for which the data is to be displayed:

Inquiry Date
Month to Date
Quarter to Date
Year to Date

Click the Refresh Data button to change the data to the period selected.

Customer Name The name of the each sales rep that had bookings or shipments within the period selected.

Quantity Booked The number of items booked within the period selected. Note: The value shown has been factored based on the order percentage specified on the sales order relative to the percentages specified for all other reps. For example, if there were 2 reps specified, one at an order percent of 25% and the other at 75%, the amount would be factored for the first rep by 25% and the second by 75%. If the the first rep was instead at 50% the factor for the first rep would be 40% (50% / 125%) and 60% (75% / 125%) for the second.

Amount Booked The dollar amount booked for the rep within the period selected. Note: The value shown has been factored based on the order percentage specified on the sales order relative to the percentages specified for all other reps. For example, if there were 2 reps specified, one at an order percent of 25% and the other at 75%, the amount would be factored for the first rep by 25% and the second by 75%. If the the first rep was instead at 50% the factor for the first rep would be 40% (50% / 125%) and 60% (75% / 125%) for the second.

Quantity Shipped The number of items shipped within the period selected. Note: The value shown has been factored based on the order percentage specified on the sales order relative to the percentages specified for all other reps. For example, if there were 2 reps specified, one at an order percent of 25% and the other at 75%, the amount would be factored for the first rep by 25% and the second by 75%. If the the first rep was instead at 50% the factor for the first rep would be 40% (50% / 125%) and 60% (75% / 125%) for the second.

Amount Shipped The dollar value of items shipped for the rep within the period selected. Note: The value shown has been factored based on the order percentage specified on the sales order relative to the percentages specified for all other reps. For example, if there were 2 reps specified, one at an order percent of 25% and the other at 75%, the amount would be factored for the first rep by 25% and the second by 75%. If the the first rep was instead at 50% the factor for the first rep would be 40% (50% / 125%) and 60% (75% / 125%) for the second.

Margin Amount The sales margin (price - cost) for each rep. Note: The value shown has been factored based on the order percentage specified on the sales order relative to the percentages specified for all other reps. For example, if there were 2 reps specified, one at an order percent of 25% and the other at 75%, the amount would be factored for the first rep by 25% and the second by 75%. If the the first rep was instead at 50% the factor for the first rep would be 40% (50% / 125%) and 60% (75% / 125%) for the second.

Sales Margin % The percentage sales margin for each rep for the period selected. Note: The value shown has been factored based on the order percentage specified on the sales order relative to the percentages specified for all other reps. For example, if there were 2 reps specified, one at an order percent of 25% and the other at 75%, the amount would be factored for the first rep by 25% and the second by 75%. If the the first rep was instead at 50% the factor for the first rep would be 40% (50% / 125%) and 60% (75% / 125%) for the second.

Total Booked Quantity The total number of items booked for all reps within the period selected.

Total Booked Amount The total dollar amount booked for all reps for the period selected.

Total Shipped Quantity The total number of items shipped for all reps for the period selected.

Total Shipped Amount The total dollar amount shipped to all reps for the period selected.

Total Margin Amount The total shipment margin for all reps for the period selected.

Total Margin % The sales margin percent for all reps within the period selected.

Refresh Data Click on this button to cause the data to be redisplayed based on the sort by and
period selections.

Version 8.10.57