# Indented Where Used Listing (WU.R2)

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Form Details
Form Details

The WU.R2 procedure is used to create indented where used listings. The user must specify each part number to be included in the report. The report will show each assembly on which the specified part numbers are referenced but, unlike the standard where used listing, will also show each next higher level assembly until it reaches the highest level in the product structure. To visually denote the current level one period (.) is placed in front of the assembly number for each level.

Frequency of Use
As required.

Building of the Where Used file ( WU.P1 ).

Data Fields

Assembly Number The part numbers of all the assemblies on which the specified component part number is referenced, as well as each higher level assembly.
Assembly Description The first line of the description for each of the assemblies listed.
Line Item The line item numbers on the associated assembly bill of material which reference the component part number for the first level, and the assembly number for each higher level assembly.

Version 8.10.57