# ECN Listing (ECN.R1)

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Form Details
Form Details

The ECN.R1 procedure is used to create a report of the engineering change notices that meet the criteria specified. The following criteria may be specified:

- Start date of the date range of ECNs to include.
- End date of the date range of ECNs to include.
- Type code on the ECNs to be included.
- Status code on the ECNs to be included.

Frequency of Use
As required.


Data Fields

ECN Number The number that identifies the ECN.
Date The date of the ECN.
Type The type code defined for the ECN.
Stat The status code of the ECN.
Requested By The name of the person or entity that requested the ECN.
Authorized By The name of the person or entity that authorized the ECN.
Assigned To The name of the person or entity to which the ECN was assigned for implementation.
Approval Type The codes defining the different areas or types of approvals required.
Approval By The names of the individuals approving the ECN.
Approval Date The date on which the associated approval was issued.
Affected Areas The areas affected by the ECN.
Reason for Change The reason the changes are being made on this ECN.

Version 8.10.57