# Enter/Confirm RMA Receipts (RMAREC.E2)
Read Time: 2 minute(s)
# Charges
Lab Li
Li Part
Charge Notes
Lab Emp Enter the employee number that is charging time to this repair.
Emp Name This field contains the name of the employee, as found in the EMP file and is for reference only.
Lab Rate This field contains the labor rate being applied to this task. It will originally default to the labor rate for the employee, but can be changed as required.
Lab Hours Enter the number of hours being charged.
Lab Code If this line is to be charged to the customer, enter 'Y', If this line is non-charge, or warranty, then enter 'N' or leave this field empty.
Lab Chg This field contains an amount if this line it being charged. It is a display field only.
Lab Nochg This field contains an amount if the line is a non-charrge or warranty line.
Part Part Enter the part number that was used in the repair. Note: no inventory transaction for this part will occur. It is assumed that the repair technician has already checked the part out of inventory in order to perform the repair.
Part Qty Enter the quantity of the part that was used.
Part Price Enter the price of this part. This field will default to the price from the PRICE file and can be changed if required.
Part Code If this line is to be charged to the customer, enter 'Y', If this line is non-charge, or warranty, then enter 'N', 'W' or leave this field empty.
Part Chg This field contains an amount if this line it being charged. It is a display field only.
Part Nochg This field contains an amount if the line is a non-charrge or warranty line.
Part Desc This field contains the description of the part, as found on the parts file. It is for reference only.
Total Labor Charges This field contains the total amount of labor that was charged to the customer.
Total Labor Non Charge This field contains the total non chargeable amount.
Total Part Charge This field contains the total parts charge amount.
Total Parts Non Charge This field contains the total non-chargeable amount from the parts data.
Version 8.10.57