# A/R Entry (AR.E)

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# Collections

Collect Status Enter the status of collections for this AR item. The list may be pre-defined in ACCT.CONTROL .

Next Date Enter the next date on which action is required for this AR item.

Days Old This fields calculates the number of days since the invoice date.

Log ID This field contains the LOG ID for the associated information.

Type Thie field contains the type, as found in the LOG record.

Subject This field contains the subject from the log record.

User ID Thei field contains the user ID that originated the log record.

Date This field contains the date that the log record was created.

Time This field contains the time that the log record was created.

**** Select this button to open the associated log entry.

New Log Entry Press this button to open a new log entry.

Status desc This field contains the status of the status code entered, as read from ACCT.CONTROL .

Version 8.10.57