# Terminal Device Definition (TERMDEV.E)

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# General

Device ID Enter the identification of the device you want to add to the file, or change.

Description Enter the description of the device being defined.

Type Enter one of the following numbers to define the type of device being defined.

1. Monochrome with imbedded video
This defines a dumb terminal that has no
color capability. Imbedded video indicates
that video attributes use up a position on
the screen.

2. Monochrome
Same as number 1 except that the video
attributes do not use up a space on the

3. Color
Defines a device that has color capability
such as a dumb terminal, or a personal
computer running a character based terminal
emulation program.

4. Graphical
An intelligent work station with a graphical
user interface such as Microsoft Windows,
that has the ACE client software installed.

Term ID The terminal ID used by the database manager to identify the device.

Init Seq Enter the decimal representation of the ASCII characters to be transmitted to the work station upon initialization.

Insert Line Enter the decimal representation of the ASCII characters that will cause the device to insert a new line on the screen.

Delete Line Enter the decimal representation of the ASCII characters that will cause the device to delete a line on the screen.

Condense On Enter the decimal representation of the ASCII characters that will cause the device to condense the characters on the screen.

Condense Off Enter the decimal representation of the ASCII characters that will cause the device to return to a normal character pitch from condensed.

Aux On Enter the decimal representation of the ASCII characters that will cause the device to open the auxiliary port.

Aux Off Enter the decimal representation of the ASCII characters that will cause the device to close the auxiliary port.

Version 8.10.57