# Purchase Orders On Hold (PO.R5)

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Form Details
Form Details

The PO.R5 procedure is used to create the purchase orders on hold listing. All of the purchase order items which have been placed on hold will be included in the report. The report will be sorted by category and part number.

Frequency of Use
As required.


Data Fields

PO ID The purchase order number.
Vend# The number which identifies the vendor for the purchase order.
Vendor Name The name of the purchase order vendor.
Li# The line item number on the purchase order which is on hold.
Part Number The part number of the item on the purchase order.
Description The first line of the description for the associated part number.
Rev The revision level shown on the associated purchase order for the part number.
Unit Price The unit price quoted by the vendor for the part number.
UM The unit of measure in which the parts will be delivered by the vendor.
Factor The number by which the quanitities on order are to be multiplied to obtain the number of parts in the internal unit of measure. For example, if the vendor sells us eggs by the dozen, but we stock eggs individually this number would be twelve.
Ack Date The dates, acknowledged by the vendor, that the associated quantities of the item are to be received.
Ack Qty The quantities, acknowledged by the vendor, that are scheduled to be received on the associated dates.

Version 8.10.57