# Purchase Order Report by Part Number by Vendor (PO.R12)

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Form Details
Form Details

The purpose of PO.R12 is to generate a listing of the total quantity and dollars that have been ordered by part number and vendor. Since both open and closed orders are included in this report, the dollars and quantities displayed on this report represent the amounts ordered and not necessarily received.

This report may be run for selected vendors, parts and a date range. The selection date used in this report is the purchase order date.

Frequency of Use
As required.

Purchase orders must exist.

Data Fields

PO ID The purchase order id.
Po Date The date the purchase order was entered or created.
St The status of the purchase order. N = new, B = backordered, C = closed.
Vendor The id of the vendor that the purchase order was placed with.
Vendor Name The name of the vendor.
LiNo The line item number.
Part Number The part number of the item on the purchase order.
Description The first line of the description for the associated part number.
Qty Ordered The total quantity ordered for the line item/part number.
Unit Price The unit price quoted entered for the part number on the line item.
Ext Price The extended price of the line item is calculated by multiplying the qty ordered by the unit price.

Version 8.10.57