# Reverse Posted Field Service Orders (FSO.E2)
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# General
Order No This is the order number key that will be automatically assigned upon filing the reversal.
Original FSO ID Enter the field service oder number you want to reverse. Only orders with a status of "P" (posted) may be reversed.
Co Code Enter the company code this record should be applied to. The company code must be predefined in the CO.CONTROL procedure. If only one company code exists, it will automatically be inserted into this record for you.
Order Type Enter the code that identifies the type of order being processed.
Serial No Enter the serial number of the equipment serviced by this order. You may leave this field blank if there is no serial number available, however the service history for the serial number will not be updated.
Service Date Enter the date on which the reversal is to be processed. It must not be before the original service date or post date.
Order Date Original order date.
Schedule Date Original scheduled date.
Orig Service Original service date.
Post Date Original Post date.
Service Unit Enter the identification of the service unit (van, truck etc.) that was used in performing the service.
Service Unit Description Contains the description of the service unit used to perform the service. It may not be changed.
PM Service? Enter the letter "Y" if preventive maintenance was performed on the equipment as part of the service order.
Last PM Date Displays the last preventive maintenance date as recorded in the Serial file.
Meter Enter the reading taken from the meter on the equipment at the time the service was performed. For example, miles or hours.
Rep Enter the identification of each representative involved in carrying out the service order. These will be loaded automatically based on the service unit entered, but may be changed as required.
Order Pct Enter the percentage to be used in determining the level of credit given to each rep for their involvement in carrying out the service order. These percentages affect are used along with the commission percentage to determine the amount of commission to be paid.
Equipment Part Enter the part number of the equipment being serviced.
Equipment Model Enter the model number of the equipment being serviced. This information may be loaded automatically based on the part number entered.
Equipment Desc Enter the description of the equipment being serviced. This information is loaded from the Serial file when available.
Category Displays the category defined in the parts master for the equipment.
Cust No Enter the number of the customer associated with the equipment. This may be the owner or renter of the equipment. When available this information will be loaded automatically from the Serial file.
Customer Name Contains the name of the customer as it appears on the customer master file. It may not be changed.
Address Enter the address at which the equipment resides and the service is to be performed.
Bill To Enter the number of the customer that is to be billed for the service order.
Bill To Name Contains the name of the bill to customer for the order. It may not be changed.
Bill To Addres Contains the address of the customer to be billed for the service order.
Zone Enter the geographic zone within which the equipment resides. The zone is used in the calculation of service rates.
Contact Enter the name of the person to contact at the customer regarding the service order.
Phone Enter the phone number of the contact person at the customer site.
PO Number Enter the purchase order number assigned by the customer for the service order. This number will be referenced on the invoice.
Invoice Number Contains the invoice number assigned for the service order. This number is assigned at the time the invoice is created during the posting of the order with FSO.P1 . It may not be changed.
Terms Enter the terms code that defines the payment requirments for the service order.
Terms Description Contains the description of the payment terms defined by the terms code. This may not be changed.
Notes Enter any notes applicable to the service order.
Tax Code Enter each of the tax codes that applies to the address at which the equipment resides.
Tax Percent Contains the percentage of the associated tax code.
Total Tax% Contains the sum of all the individual tax percentages.
Version 8.10.57